Strongman and Strongwoman Training


Big Lifts, Big Equipment, Big Strength

There's is no debate that Strongman competitors are the biggest and strongest men on the planet. Their level of brute strength is undeniable; and watching them put it on display placing massive atlas stones, flipping tires, pushing sleds, carrying huge yokes, and completing enormous farmers carries is extremely humbling and entertaining.

What most people do not realize however is the level of technique and movement efficiency that is applied to these events. Strongmen also are equally conditioned as 'strength endurance' athletes as they are in maximal or 'brute' strength. Strongmen need to manage massive lifts for a long time. Strategy and application are crucial. 

So how does this apply to you, me, and the rest of the TOP members?

Strongman training is something that isn't available in most fitness centers. And it's a shame, because there is no better way to practice functional and applicable strength. Working with these apparatus' has tremendous carry over to every day 'labor-intensive' tasks; AND it's a ton of fun. Want to be stronger and more capable to get any job done? Incorporate some Strongman Training into your program. Don't think you can do it? I promise you, you can. ​​